Indradhenu Poet
History is indeed made up of significant events which shape our future and outstanding people who influence our destiny. Dimbeswar Neog’s contributions to the history of Assamese literature and language place him in this inimitable position. In his life, he was instrumental in enriching Assamese language and literature.His poetry books Malika, Safura, Thupitora, Matali Indradhanu, Mukuta, Manuha, Meghadoot, Asoma, Bichitra, Suwanee, Bhogjora, are most popular. The poems of “Indradhanu” are so charming and sweet and thought-provoking, that he came to be known as Indradhanu Poet. A writer, literratue, critic, author, educator and poet of par excellence. It recommends books for further reading, and provides useful links for further research.We also wish to inspire young people to know and appreciate the works of the great writer, to create a sense of pride about our language, literature and culture. Dimbeswar Neog Path, G S Road-5 , Near sentinel is named after him